7 Trusted Car Repair and Service Centers in Kampar

Not only keeping your car clean and shiny, but it’s also important to make sure that your car is in good shape with regular check-ups and repairs. Some may bring their cars to the official dealership service centers. While this might be the preferred option, it’s better to know the alternatives in case you wantContinue reading “7 Trusted Car Repair and Service Centers in Kampar”

5 Best Bike Shops in Kampar, Perak – Malaysia

One of the most effective and exciting ways of burning fats and staying in good shape is to hop on a bike and start pedaling. In Kampar, Perak, Malaysia, more and more people are turning bicycling as their daily health habit while others start loving the activity as they explore many places and create goodContinue reading “5 Best Bike Shops in Kampar, Perak – Malaysia”

Westlake International School – Kampar

Westlake International School (WIS) has achieved remarkable results both in academics and sports despite its short history. This international school is one of the best in Malaysia. With overlooking of a serene lake and nestled within the Kinta Valley, West Lake International School in Kampar, Perak is a perfect location to nurture the unique talentsContinue reading “Westlake International School – Kampar”

The Best Wonton Noodles in Kampar

Wonton noodles (wantan mee) is a noodle dish of Cantonese origin. Wonton noodles are also popular in Asian countries like Hong kong, Malaysia, Indonesia, Southern China, and Thailand. What is Wonton Noodles? Wonton noodles are also called wanton mee or wanton mein. The dish is usually egg noodles served in a hot broth, garnished withContinue reading “The Best Wonton Noodles in Kampar”

Your Guide to Saturday Night Markets in Kampar

Pasar Malam is locally referred to as the night market in Malaysia. Exploring Pasar Malam is like go into the heart of Malaysian culture. Pasar Malam is a street market that operates from mid-afternoon until night. In Kampar night markets you can find local cuisines, apparel, household items, and many other products created by localContinue reading “Your Guide to Saturday Night Markets in Kampar”

West Lake – One of the Best Fishing Spots in Kampar

Kampar is known for its freshwater fishing spot as most of the surrounding area is covered by man-made lakes which is located in Perak, Malaysia. Centuries-old abandoned tin mines have turned into natural lakes. Tilapia, Kaloi, Catfish, Tutu, Tongsan, Pangasius, and many kinds of freshwater fish flourish abundantly in these lakes. If you are anContinue reading “West Lake – One of the Best Fishing Spots in Kampar”

Kampar Pasar Malam (Night Market)

Kampar Pasar Malam or night market is arguably the best place for locals, tourists and first-time visitors looking to experience authentic Malaysian culture. (Checkout the most popular cultural festivals in Asian.) Offering a dizzying array of fresh produce, apparel, accessories, handicrafts, and many more, all at excellent prices, this lively spot in Kampar is greatContinue reading “Kampar Pasar Malam (Night Market)”

10 Best Breakfast Restaurants in Kampar (Updated 2022)

It is often said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Having a good breakfast can make your whole day right. If you are a traditionalist, you will still find several old-fashioned Malaysian diners like the breakfast restaurants in Kampar, Perak. On the other hand, there are a host of innovative newContinue reading “10 Best Breakfast Restaurants in Kampar (Updated 2022)”

The Most Popular Grocery Stores in Kampar 2021

It’s truly remarkable when most of the things you need are available in one place. As I’m staying here in Kampar, Perak, Malaysia, I can see that supermarkets provide most of our daily needs. The supermarket began to recognize specially their services during this pandemic. Lumbering out of panic mode and into safety mode. TheContinue reading “The Most Popular Grocery Stores in Kampar 2021”

Top 10 Barbers in Kampar, Perak, Malaysia

A good haircut is one of the keys to look awesome! But finding the right chop is always a tedious job. This article will help you get the right barbershop around Kampar. (You may also need to check out the best places to eat in Kampar) For many years, barbers have undergone many changes fromContinue reading “Top 10 Barbers in Kampar, Perak, Malaysia”

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