7 Trusted Car Repair and Service Centers in Kampar

Not only keeping your car clean and shiny, but it’s also important to make sure that your car is in good shape with regular check-ups and repairs. Some may bring their cars to the official dealership service centers. While this might be the preferred option, it’s better to know the alternatives in case you wantContinue reading “7 Trusted Car Repair and Service Centers in Kampar”

Your Guide to Saturday Night Markets in Kampar

Pasar Malam is locally referred to as the night market in Malaysia. Exploring Pasar Malam is like go into the heart of Malaysian culture. Pasar Malam is a street market that operates from mid-afternoon until night. In Kampar night markets you can find local cuisines, apparel, household items, and many other products created by localContinue reading “Your Guide to Saturday Night Markets in Kampar”

West Lake – One of the Best Fishing Spots in Kampar

Kampar is known for its freshwater fishing spot as most of the surrounding area is covered by man-made lakes which is located in Perak, Malaysia. Centuries-old abandoned tin mines have turned into natural lakes. Tilapia, Kaloi, Catfish, Tutu, Tongsan, Pangasius, and many kinds of freshwater fish flourish abundantly in these lakes. If you are anContinue reading “West Lake – One of the Best Fishing Spots in Kampar”

Kampar Pasar Malam (Night Market)

Kampar Pasar Malam or night market is arguably the best place for locals, tourists and first-time visitors looking to experience authentic Malaysian culture. (Checkout the most popular cultural festivals in Asian.) Offering a dizzying array of fresh produce, apparel, accessories, handicrafts, and many more, all at excellent prices, this lively spot in Kampar is greatContinue reading “Kampar Pasar Malam (Night Market)”

Getting Lost in Gunung Relau

Going to Kampar from Kuala Lumpur took an hour and a half, driving for approximately 170 kilometers. Kampar was a factory of tin during colonial times. Today, Kampar is known for its freshwater fishing, from its abandoned mining lakes. Local restaurants serves delicious food, keeping most of the traditional preparation. (Check out best restaurant andContinue reading “Getting Lost in Gunung Relau”

5 Most Recommended Hotels to Stay in Kampar, Perak Malaysia

Finding a good hotel where you can stay comfortably is a starting point to travel the most of the tourist attractions in Perak. Kampar is famous for its food. Two types of food that made their way out ofKampar town itself and is synonymous with Kampar are chicken biscuit andfish-ball noodle. The Kampar chicken biscuitContinue reading “5 Most Recommended Hotels to Stay in Kampar, Perak Malaysia”

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